One of my favorite things to do is to spend hours looking in Antique & Thrift stores. I tend to go to the same stores over and over again, so I decided that since I was driving the 850 miles to my parents house by myself and wouldn't have to "hurry" cause the hubby was waiting in the car that I would make some stops and shop along the way.
The first "stop" wasn't made until I arrived at my destination in Lyman, Wyoming, approximate population 2000. This is where I grew up and where my parents still live. The name of the store is simply Antiques and is located right on Main Street. The nicest mother and son run the store. Thanks to my Mom & Dad I left with some yummy treasures. I will definitely make sure to stop there each time I visit my parents.
The brass mirror is for my master bathroom vanity area, the jewels & spoon are going to be used to make some jewelry, the hand and shaker are just little pretties for my studio and the vanity set is for the table in the bathroom next to my Grandmother's embroidery that I blogged about a couple posts back.

My second stop was at a thrift store in Provo, Utah that I have been wanting to go to for years. We pass right by it on the I15 every time we are up that way but for one reason or another we never have time to stop. It is one of the largest thrift stores I have ever seen, it's called the DI or Deseret Industries and is located on State Street. I was SO excited but my excitement quickly turn to disappointment, anything that was antique or vintage was in locked cases at the front of the store and marked up as high or higher than you'd pay for in an actual Antique store and at least 7/8 of the store was clothing. I do like vintage clothing but I was not expecting the store to be practically all clothing. I did how ever come across a big bag full of crochet thread that I got for $2! It won't be a stop I make again unless I'm looking for clothing.
My Mom helped me brush up on my crochet skills during my visit and I thought the tread would come in handy for practice, however I've been practicing with rope instead of the thread, I didn't realize how thin the thread was when I picked up the package. I'm sure it will come in handy for something.
The last stop was on the drive home at Mugwumps on Main Street in Hatch, UT, approximate population 130. The owner, Cassie is one of the nicest people you will every meet.
This was my second stop, I stopped on my way through back in October for the first time. She doesn't have a credit card machine so she only accepts cash or checks. The first time I stopped I only had $11 cash on me and my total came to $36. She let me take all the treasures I found with me anyway and she gave me a self address envelope for me to mail her a check when I got home, I made to sure to have plenty of cash on me this time! You don't find trusting people like that everyday, if you are ever in the area I highly recommend stopping! I had to throw in a picture of the store, it's just so cute, I should have taken pictures on the inside, she has all her shelves organized by color, it's just the cutest little store ever!

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with the little wooden table, I love the old chipping paint, I may end up using it in my yet to be planted rose garden, it was a steal only $5! The doilies are for a project I'll be posting about later. I fell in love with the cup, not sure why, it just sang to me and the flower frog is just a little pretty for my studio. The vintage paper "Roylies" will probably end up on the tops of boxes, and no plans for the big roll of paper lace yet, just another little pretty I couldn't leave behind. I am a sucker for old trays, someday I will come up with a great project for them.
I had so much fun being able to stop and shop at some new stores. I'm going to start giving myself extra time on road trips so I can make even more stops!