I have this sickness, it's called
I Think I Can Do Anything Syndrome.
Some of the symptoms include,
always having to be busy making something,
getting board after making the same thing only a few times,
always wanting to learn something, anything new,
having abig huge imagination.
having a
Phrases you will often hear from someone with this sickness,
"this has potential",
"it just needs a little paint",
"oh, I can fix that",
"you never know when you might need a...",
"I can figure it out, it can't be that hard,
and "I can totally make that!"
Sometimes this syndrome can be dormant and won't bother me for long periods of time, but then all of a sudden, out of the blue, it will start with just a little itch, so I scratch, and then it starts to itch even more, so I scratch and scratch and scratch until it's oozing eVeRyWHeRe, and my entire life, house and car are in an upheaval and I'm knee deep into some big project that's taking me way longer than I imagined, costing way more money than I thought it would and turning out to be "one of the coolest things" I've ever done!!!!
Okay so I guess I Think I Can Do Anything Syndrome isn't really that bad, in fact I've meet some of the coolest people I know and have made life long friends because of it and since I'm not sure if I will ever find a cure it's better just to accept it and feed the beast when it comes out of hibernation!
So now I really do need to give a big shout out and try to do it as LOUD as POSSIBLE, because I don't publicly and probably not privately say it eNouGH,
I have the BeST HuSBaND iN THe WoRLD!
Not only does he support every hair brained idea I come up with, usually he comes along for the ride too. He becomes my errand boy, making runs to Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's, Michael's. (I do have to admit camera phones make those trips so much easier and he rarely comes home with the wrong things anymore!) He lets me tear, and mean tear apart the house, the garage, the yard, he knows that I'm going to be up late and getting up early, that my current scheme is going to be priority and he won't get as much attention. He takes over all my duties with the house; cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking; okay he always does the cooking so that doesn't really count. He takes care of the dogs; feeding, bathing; picking up medications, food, and even vet visits. To top it all off, he forks over all the moolah for all my crazy plans.
The two best things about my husband, are:
#1~ He believes in Me. He's unconditionally supportive and does everything he possibly can to help me succeed in what ever I'm trying to do. He has supported everything I have ever wanted to try, even when the last thing I tried failed miserably. He's supported everything from my idea to wire transfer money to China for knock off purses, to my idea to cover anything I could get my hands on in rhinestones, to buying a bunch of power tools, saws, sanders, drills to use for woodworking projects, to my jewelry making. I could go on and on and on about all the crazy ideas I've had that he's supported.
#2 ~ He doesn't complain. He doesn't complain about making three stops on his way home from to work to pick up things I need for the project I'm working on but don't want to stop to make a supply run. He doesn't complain because he has to wash the sheets and make the bed this week because I was busy out in the garage or taking photographs all day and didn't get around to it. He doesn't complain that it is now his job to feed the dogs for the next few weeks; you just wouldn't understand unless you see it with your own eyes that feeding our dogs is no simple task. Oh, ya, he doesn't even complain about driving all around town picking up furniture I find on Craig's List on top of working his 40+ hour a week job managing 25+ employees!
Yes, I do declair, I am oNe LuCKy GiRL maybe even
to have such a supportive husband,
(shouting at the top of my lungs)
THaNK You BaBy!
He's being no different about supporting my latest scheme
...drum roll...Now I Think I Can....Paint Furniture!
Yep, this is me standing outside the 8' foot paint booth, (ya, I built that too) that is now taking up a good portion of our garage, the rest is so full of furniture neither one of us can park our cars in their right now!
I did not plan on this post being a toot my husband's horn post, I planned on tooting my own horn and showing you some of the furniture I've painted. So since it turned out to be all about my husband, today I will only show you a few pieces that already sold, but I love how they turned out so I want to share! They sold in about 20 minutes after I posted pictures on Facebook, I will be putting up more pictures of items that are currently for sale in the next few days or you can go to my Facebook page and see them now!
SIDE NOTE: I'm not going to stop making jewelry and all my other fancies, but I'm going to spend most of the summer on furniture so that I can build up my inventory. In the fall I will start working on fancies and pretties for the holidays!
Your husband is probably enjoying life to the fullest with you, every day is a new adventure!! Who wouldn't love a life like that!! You are Lucky and very talented, the furniture is beautiful! Like I always say, give Mandy some beads, rope, and seaweed and she can build the Taj Mahal!
What a wonderful post and he is lucky to have YOU!
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